Financial Services » Banking » Fintech market in Europe | How French banks view fintech firms 2016

Views regarding fintech companies for banks in France 2016

Opinions regarding fintech firms according to banks in France as of 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.144343242419191414They represent a possible threatWe look at them as possible collaboratorsWe have no positionWe view them as possible technology acquisitions02.557.51012.51517.52022.52527.53032.53537.54042.5454…47.5

The data describes a breakdown of the opinions regarding fintech for banks in France as of 2016. It can be seen that more than two fifths (43%) of banks in France viewed fintech as a possible threat at that time.

They represent a possible threat 43
We look at them as possible collaborators 24
We have no position 19
We view them as possible technology acquisitions 14