Financial Services » Banking » Funding university in the U.S. | College payment - average amount in the United States, by income level, 2016

College payment - average amount in the United States, by income level, 2007-2016

Average amount paid for college in the United States, year-over-year, between 2007 and 2016, by income level (in USD)

The data displays the average amount paid for college in the U.S., year-over-year, between 2007 and 2016, sorted by income level ranging from low-income families to high-income families. In the time between 2007 and 2008, low-income families paid, on average, 15,130 USD for college, whereas high-income families paid 21,040 USD during this time.

2007-08 15130 16910 21040 17200
2008-09 16955 17383 23817 19435
2009-10 17404 22628 31245 24097
2010-11 19888 21347 25760 21889
2011-12 19159 20065 25617 20902
2012-13 18034 22197 23913 21178
2013-14 19466 19471 26556 20882
2014-15 21036 21375 33260 24164
2015-16 19798 23354 29197 23688