Financial Services » Banking » Funding university in the U.S. | Attitudes to college - parents' opinions regarding higher education in the U.S. 2015

Attitudes to college - parents opinions on higher education in the United States, 2008-2015

Parents' attitudes toward college in the United States, opinions rated strongly agree, year-on-year between 2008 and 2015

The data displays parents' attitudes toward college in the U.S., between 2008 and 2015. Depicted is the percentage of parents who strongly agreed with the statements shown. In 2010, 81% of parents surveyed stated that they strongly agreed with the statement that college is an 'investment in the future'.

2008 51 56 80
2009 62 59 83
2010 64 59 81 66 33
2011 51 51 83 70 24
2012 53 47 77 68 19
2013 58 49 85 65 25
2014 54 47 79 65 20
2015 57 52 81 64 24