Financial Services » Banking » Funding university in the U.S. | College saving: parents who felt confident about meeting tuition costs U.S. 2016

Parents who felt confident about meeting tuition costs for college in the United States 2016

Parents who felt extremely or somewhat confident about meeting the costs of college for their offspring in the United States in 2016, by category

The data displays the level of confidence among parents of meeting the costs of college tuition for their offspring in the U.S. in 2016. As of 2016, about 75% of parents who had savings felt confident about meeting the college costs, whereas only 28% of those from low-income families expressed the same sentiment.

Savers 75
High-income 72
Child 7-12 61
Child 0-6 59
Middle-income 56
Child 13-17 52
Low-income 28
Nonsavers 16
Total 55