Financial Services » Banking » Gender pay gap in UK financial sector | Women vs men per quartile: Lloyds bank plc 2017

Gender distribution per pay quartile at Lloyds bank 2017

Gender pay distribution per pay quartile at Lloyds bank plc in the United Kingdom in 2017

The data displays the distribution of women and men employed by Lloyds bank plc per pay quartile in the UK as of April 2017. What can be seen by the figures presented is that women make up a far higher percentage of employees at the lowest pay quartile (72.8%). Although women make up almost three quarters of lowest paid employees they make up less than one third of those in the upper quartile.

lower quartile 27.2 72.8
Lower middle quartile 34 66
Upper middle quartile 50.9 49.1
Top quartile 68.5 31.5