Financial Services » Banking » Gender pay gap in UK financial sector | Share of employees receiving bonus pay at leading banks 2017

Gender distribution of bonus payments in largest UK banks 2017, by gender

Share of employees that received bonus pay in the largest banks in the United Kingdom as of April 2017, by gender

The data displays the share of employees that received bonus pay in the biggest UK banks as of April 2017, by gender. in three of the four biggest banks in the UK women were more likely to have received bonus pay. over 93% of women employed by Lloyds plc received a bonus compared to 91.6% of men as of April 2017. The Royal bank of Scotland was the only bank included that saw a higher percentage of men that received bonus payment with 64.1%.

Lloyds Bank plc 91.6 93.2
Santander UK plc 90.3 91.1
HSBC Bank plc 84 85
RBS plc 64.1 51.6