Financial Services » Banking » Gold as an investment | Gold demand by purpose quarterly 2014-2016

Global demand for gold by purpose quarterly 2014-2016

Demand for gold worldwide from 3rd quarter of 2014 to 4th quarter of 2016, by purpose (in metric tons)

The data displays the quarterly figures for the global demand for gold from the third quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2016. The demand of gold for investment purposes amounted to approx. 335.7 metric tons in Q3 2016.

Gold as an investment – additional information Throughout history, gold has been desirable and in demand and has been characterized as a high value commodity. When investing in any commodity, risk assessments need to be taken into consideration. Generally gold is considered to be a safe investment.

Q3 '14 89.5 182.4 591.5 174.9
Q4 '14 89.4 169.4 686 133.9
Q1 '15 83.3 277.9 596.9 112.3
Q2 '15 83.5 182.3 513.7 127.2
Q3 '15 82.9 230.3 623.7 167.9
Q4 '15 81.6 219.7 652.7 168.9
Q1 '16 80.9 617.6 481.9 109.4
Q2 '16 80.9 448.4 444.1 76.9
Q3 '16 82.4 335.7 493.1 81.7
Q4 '16 83.8 173.9 622 114.4