Financial Services » Banking » Household assets in Europe | Currency and deposits - household assets by country Europe 2015

Household currency and deposits as share of financial assets Europe 2015, by country

Currency and deposits as a share of total household financial assets in selected European countries as of 2015

The data displays the household currency and deposits as a percentage of total household financial assets in selected European countries as of 2015. It can be seen that currency and deposits in Germany amounted to more than 39% of total household financial assets at that time.

Greece 66.25
Slovak Republic 62.26
Czech Republic 50.42
Slovenia 50
Luxembourg 49.77
Poland 47.9
Portugal 44.23
Spain 42.19
Austria 40.6
Germany 39.12
Latvia 37.24
Ireland 37.19
Switzerland 32.18
Italy 30.91
Finland 30.09
Belgium 29.42
Estonia 29.25
Hungary 28.61
Norway 28.58
France 28.48
United Kingdom 24.28
Netherlands 18.65
Denmark 15.49
Iceland 14.14
Sweden 14.02