Financial Services » Banking » Online banking in Italy | Online banking accounts by institution in Germany 2016

Online banking accounts in Germany 2016, by financial institution

Number of online banking accounts (Girokonten) in Germany in 2016, by financial institution type (in thousand)

The data describes the number of banking accounts with online access held by the adult population in Germany as of 2016, listed by various types of financial institutions which provided the banking access. According to the data presented, over 24.7 million of online banking accounts were held with credit institutions in that year. A further 21.2 million of current accounts were held with Landesbanken (state-owned and mostly connected with wholesale banking) and saving banks (Sparkassen, type of bank specific to Germany).

Credit institutions 24727
Landesbanken and saving banks 21194
Genossenschaftliche Zentralbanken und Kreditgenossenschaften TRANSALTE? 16477