Financial Services » Banking » Personal Debt | Share of non-performing loans held by U.S. banks 1995-2017

Share of non-performing loans held by banks in the United States 1995-2017

Share of non-performing loans held by banks in the United States from 1995 to 2017

The data describes the share of non-performing loans held by banks in the U.S. from 1995 to 2017. Non-performing loans are those with 90-days or more past due or nonaccrual in the call report. In 2017, 1.22% of total loans in the United States were non-performing loans.

Historically, the share of non-performing loans in the U.S. revolved around the level of approx. 1%. In the years following the 2008 financial crisis, non-performing loans constituted even as much as over 5% of total loans held by the U.S. banks.

'95 1.25
'96 1.11
'97 0.99
'98 0.95
'99 0.96
'00 1.02
'01 1.3
'02 1.47
'03 1.3
'04 0.96
'05 0.77
'06 0.73
'07 1.01
'08 2.21
'09 4.7
'10 5.3
'11 4.5
'12 3.95
'13 3.04
'14 2.21
'15 1.67
'16 1.47
'17 1.22