Financial Services » Banking » Personal Debt | Share of U.S. families with debt by family structure 2007-2016

Share of families with debt in the United States 2007-2016, by family structure

Share of families with debt in the United States from 2007 to 2016, by family structure

The data describes the share of families with debt in the U.S. from 2007 to 2016, by family structure. It was found that 76.7% of the couples without children had debt in 2016, compared to 88.8% of couples with at least one child.

Couple with child(ren) 87.5 87.5 87.6 88.8
Couple, no child 74.5 74.5 75.3 76.7
Single with child(ren) 73.5 73.5 73.6 80.1
Single, no child, age less than 55 73.3 73.3 70 73.6
Single, no child, age 55 or more 52.2 52.2 53.8 58.8