Financial Services » Banking » Sberbank | Total employees by segment Sberbank 2013-2017

Total number of employees at Sberbank Russia 2013-2017, by segment

Total number of employees at the Sberbank group Russia from 2013 to 2017, by segment

The data depicts the total number of employees at the Russian based Sberbank group from 2013 to 2017, broken down by segment. It can be seen that the number of employees working for Sberbank subsidiary banks and companies generally increased during the period under observation, reaching a total of more than 45.8 thousand as of 2017. Although this was the case, the number of employees working for Sberbank fluctuated during the same period, reaching a maximum value of over 275.7 thousand in the year 2014.

2013 255515 41286
2014 275723 44883
2015 271231 46993
2016 259999 54235
2017 251701 45766