Financial Services » Banking » Sberbank | Charity costs by charitable area Sberbank Russia 2017

Charitable contributions breakdown for Sberbank group Russia 2017, by charitable area

Breakdown of charitable contributions for the Sberbank group Russia as of 2017, by charitable area (in million Russian rubles)

The data depicts the breakdown of charitable contributions for the Russian based Sberbank group as of 2017, broken down by charitable area. It can be seen that there was over 2.56 billion Rubles of charitable contributions went to culture. A further 1 billion Russian Rubles of charitable contributions went to R&D, environmental protection, and the preservation of cultural heritage objects as of 2017.

Culture 2562.4
Research and development, environmental protection, and preservation of cultural heritage objects 1072
Education 743.6
Child welfare facilities, development of the creative skills of children and an inclusive environment 467.2
Sports 410.8
Veterans and disabled people 203.3
Healthcare 179.2
Religious organizations 114.4
Financial assistance 16.7
Forums and congresses 6