Ease of doing business in MENA by country 2017

Ease of doing business in the Middle East and North Africa in 2017, by country

The data displays the ease of doing business score in the Middle East and North Africa in 2017, by country. In 2017, the ease of doing business score in Oman reached 92.85. During the period of consideration, the ease of doing business in Oman was rank 31 in global comparison. On average the MENA region reached the global rank 119 with an average of 79.73 score points.

Oman (Rank 31) 92.85
Morocco (Rank 35) 92.46
Mauritania (Rank 43) 91.8
United Arab Emirates (Rank 51) 91.16
Bahrain (Rank 75) 87.87
Qatar (Rank 89) 86
Tunisia (Rank 100) 85.02
Egypt, Arab Rep. (Rank 103) 84.53
Jordan (Rank 105) 84.4
Djibouti (Rank 115) 83.38
Syrian Arab Republic (Rank 133) 80.43
Saudi Arabia (Rank 135) 80.04
Lebanon (Rank 143) 78.17
Algeria (Rank 145) 77.54
Kuwait (Rank 149) 77.21
Iraq (Rank 154) 75.87
Sudan (Rank 159) 73.51
Yemen, Rep. (Rank 163) 72.68
Comoros (Rank 166) 72.01
Libya (Rank 167) 71.72
West Bank and Gaza (Rank 169) 69.59
Somalia (Rank 187) 45.77
Regional Average (Rank 119) 79.73