Financial Services » Insurance » Cyber insurance | Common cyber exposures faced by U.S. organizations 2017

Common cyber exposures faced by organizations in the United States 2017

Which of the common cyber exposures does your organization face?

The data displays the common cyber exposures faced by organizations in the U.S. in 2017. In that survey, 56% of the respondents said that their organization processed or had access to banking information.

You have laptops or personal devices connected to the internet or your network 79
You store or process client or customer information 59
You process or have access to banking information 58
You store information or data on the cloud 48
You maintain and hold past or present digital employee records 46
You process credit card transactions 42
You hold information that is subject to HIPAA 42
You hold supplier or distributor information 32
You have and maintain a website that collects personal and/or confidential information from visitors 17