Energy » Fossil Fuels » Uranium | Uranium consumption top countries 2016

Leading uranium consuming countries worldwide 2016

Leading countries based on uranium consumption worldwide in 2016 (in thousand metric tons)

The data displays the leading ten countries worldwide based on uranium consumption in 2016. In that year, the U.S. was the biggest uranium consumer worldwide, using a total of almost 18.2 thousand metric tons of uranium.

Uranium consumption worldwide Uranium is a heavy metal that occurs in many rocks as well as in sea water. Its high density allows it to be used in the keels of yachts as well as for radiation shielding. However, it is most commonly known for its use as a source of concentrated energy in nuclear power plants.

United States 18.16
France 9.21
Russia 6.26
China 5.34
South Korea 5.01
Ukraine 2.25
United Kingdom 1.73
Germany 1.69
Canada 1.63
Sweden 1.47