Most expensive housing markets worldwide 2017, by average price per square foot

Most expensive residential property markets worldwide in 2017, by average price per square foot (in USD)

The data displays the most expensive home markets worldwide in 2017, by average price per square foot. In 2017, Hong Kong was the most expensive residential property market globally with an average price per square foot of 4,900 USD.

Hong Kong 4900
London 2574
New York 2065
Rome 1571
Paris 1362
Toronto 1156
Stockholm 1086
Vancouver 958
Zurich 948
Los Angeles 914
Miami 693
Lisbon 628
San Diego 572
Buenos Aires 465
Santiago, Chile 403
Detroit area 400
Chicago 377
Austin, Texas 369
Houston 345
Charlotte, North Carolina 279
Fort Worth, Texas 265
Atlanta, Georgia 263
Northwest Bergen County, New Jersey 240
Mexico City 185