Quarterly house price to income ratio in Canada 2014-2018

House price to income ratio in Canada from 2nd quarter 2014 to 1st quarter 2018

The data describes the house price to income ratio in Canada from the second quarter of 2014 to the first quarter of 2018. This ratio was calculated by dividing nominal house prices by nominal disposable income per head. In the first quarter of 2018, the house price to income ratio in Canada amounted to 129.1%.

Q2 2014 106
Q3 2014 106.2
Q4 2014 107.3
Q1 2015 107.3
Q2 2015 107.4
Q3 2015 108.5
Q4 2015 110.4
Q1 2016 115.3
Q2 2016 117
Q3 2016 119.3
Q4 2016 121.3
Q1 2017 125.3
Q2 2017 128.1
Q3 2017 129.6
Q4 2017 127.8
Q1 2018 129.1