Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Caregivers in the U.S. | U.S. caregivers' that had lifestyle changes due to caregiving 2016

U.S. caregivers whose lifestyle was impacted by caregiving as of 2016

Percentage of experienced U.S. caregivers that had select lifestyle impacts due to caregiving as of 2016

The data shows the percentage of experienced U.S. caregivers that had their lifestyle impacted by their caregiving responsibilities as of 2016. According to the survey, 54% of respondents indicated that caregiving impacted their personal time to do things that they enjoy.

My personal time to do things I enjoy 54
My emotional well-being 39
My social life/friendships 28
Finances 26
My relationship with my spouse/partner 23
My physical wellbeing 20
My job/career 20
My relationship with my kids 10
Other 2