Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Caregivers in the U.S. | U.S. caregivers' budget changes due to caregiving costs 2017

U.S. caregivers' budgetary changes due to the cost of caregiving as of 2017

Percentage of experienced U.S. caregivers who incurred costs providing care and had to reduce or change select personal habits to pay for caregiving as of 2017

The data shows the percentage of experienced U.S. caregivers who incurred costs providing care and had changes in their personal budgets or habits due to the costs of providing care as of 2017. According to the survey, 67% of respondents had to reduce their living expenses to pay for caregiving costs.

Reduced living expenses 67
Withdrew money from non-retirement savings 25
Worked more; get additional employment 21
Borrowed money 21
Withdrew money from retirement savings 19
Cashed in or sold assets 19
Stopped/ reduced contributions to retirement savings 17
Stopped/ reduced contributions to non-retirement savings 15