Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Geriatric health in the U.S. | Frequency of exercising among seniors U.S. 2015

Frequency older U.S. adults exercised for 30 minutes or more 2013-2015

Frequency adults in the U.S. aged 60 years and older exercised for 30 minutes or more from 2013 to 2015

The data displays the frequency U.S. adults aged 60 years and older exercised for 30 minutes or more from 2013 to 2015. It was found that 18% of those aged 60 years and older never exercised for 30 minutes or more in 2013, compared to 10% in 2015.

Every day 26 37 32
More than twice a week but not everyday 28 21 34
Once/twice a week 18 17 16
Less than once a week 8 8 7
Never 18 16 10