Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Geriatric health in the U.S. | Health care cost expectations among seniors U.S. 2015

Share of older U.S. adults who expect health costs to increase 2014-2015

Percentage of adults in the U.S. aged 60 years and older who expected health care costs to increase over the next ten years as of 2014 and 2015

The data displays the percentage of U.S. adults aged 60 years and older who expected health care costs to increase over the next five to ten years as of 2014 and 2015. In 2015, around 64% of those aged 60 years and older expected health care costs to increase significantly or somewhat over the next five to ten years.

Increase significantly 31 31
Increase somewhat 35 33
Stay about the same 26 28
Decrease somewhat 2 3
Decrease significantly 2 1