Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Long-term care | Payments health care Alzheimer's dementia U.S. by payment source 2017

Payments for health services with and without Alzheimer's U.S. 2017 by payment source

Average annual per-person payments for health and long term care services with and without Alzheimer's or other dementias in the U.S. as of 2017, by payment source
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1424 12224 1228 3998 3993743741 2371 2372 2092 20991991910 58910 5897 4157 4153583583753751 5141 5141 3941 3942372372 2912 291MedicareMedicaidUncompensatedHealth maintenanceorganization (HMO)Health maintenance organization (HMO)Private insuranceOther payerOut of pocket05k10k15k20k25k30k

The data displays the average annual per-person payments for health and long term care services for those above the age of 65 years with and without Alzheimer's and other dementias in the U.S. as of 2017. The overall average annual out of pocket payments for health services made by beneficiaries over the age of 65 with Alzheimer's or other dementias was 10,589 USD.

Medicare 24122 7415
Medicaid 8399 358
Uncompensated 374 375
Health maintenance organization (HMO) 1237 1514
Private insurance 2209 1394
Other payer 919 237
Out of pocket 10589 2291