Health Care & Life Sciences » Care & Support » Veteran health in the U.S. | Percentage of U.S. population who are veterans in 2016, by age and gender

Percentage of U.S. population who are veterans in 2016, by age and gender

Percentage of U.S. population who are veterans in 2016, by age and gender
Created with Highcharts to 34 years35 to 54 years55 to 64 years65 to 74 years75 years and over0102030405060

This graph displays the percentage of Americans who were veterans in 2016, distinguished by age and gender. In 2016, almost 50% of the male Americans, aged 75 years and over, were veterans.

18 to 34 years 3.48 0.83
35 to 54 years 9.02 1.53
55 to 64 years 14.72 1.65
65 to 74 years 35.79 1.05
75 years and over 49.53 1.08