Health Care & Life Sciences » Health System » Health care in Turkey | Quality of accessible healthcare in Europe 2018 by country

Quality rating of accessible healthcare in selected European countries 2018

How would you rate the quality of healthcare that you and your family have access to in your country?
Created with Highcharts 5.0.147373585856565555464620201818161614141818292931313131393939393636393942429913131313141416164242474745454545Great BritainSpainGermanyFranceTurkey**HungarySerbiaRussia**Poland05101520253035404550556065707580

The data shows the results of a survey asking respondents from various European countries to rate the quality of healthcare services in their respective countries as of 2018. According to data provided by Ipsos, 73% of British people assessed their healthcare as good, while only 14% of respondents in Poland rated their healthcare as good.

Great Britain 73 18 9
Spain 58 29 13
Germany 56 31 13
France 55 31 14
Turkey 46 39 16
Hungary 20 39 42
Serbia 18 36 47
Russia 16 39 45
Poland 14 42 45