Health Care & Life Sciences » Health System » Health insurance in the Netherlands | Netherlands: number of payment arrears under the Dutch Health Insurance Act, by age 2016

Number payment arrears Dutch Health Insurance Act in the Netherlands 2016, by age

Number of payment arrears under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) in the Netherlands as of 2016, by age group

The data displays the number of payment arrears under the Dutch Health Insurance Act (Zvw) in the Netherlands as of 2016, by age grou[. The most payment arrears for health insurance were people aged between 25 and 30 years. The Dutch health insurance system as it is now was introduced in 2006 and combines elements of both public as well as private insurance. It is mandatory to have at least a basic health insurance (in Dutch: basisverzekering) when you work in the Netherlands, because healthcare is funded through taxation of income.

18 to 20 years 2600
20 to 25 years 25460
25 to 30 years 36030
30 to 35 years 35260
35 to 40 years 29800
40 to 45 years 27670
45 to 50 years 28940
50 to 55 years 24720
55 to 60 years 17820
60 to 65 years 10520
65 to 70 years 6230
70 to 75 years 2960
75 to 80 years 1140
Over 80 years 790