Health Care & Life Sciences » Health System » Health insurance in the Netherlands | Netherlands: total number of defaulters on health insurance, by age 2010-2016

Total number of defaulters on health insurance in the Netherlands 2010-2016, by age

Total number of defaulters on health insurance in the Netherlands from 2010 to 2016, by age

The data displays the total number of defaulters on health insurance in the Netherlands from 2010 to 2016, by age. In 2016, approx. 36,000 people from 25 to 30 years old did not pay the fee of their health insurance for at least six months. This is the lowest number reached since 2010.

2016 2600 25460 36030 35260 29800 27670 28940 24720 17820 10520 6230 2960 1140 790
2015 2840 30510 41540 39020 32800 32450 32200 27870 19350 11430 7170 2910 1240 860
2014 3300 34310 44140 40990 33970 35470 33790 28990 19530 11730 7160 2830 1240 790
2013 3270 34120 42760 38500 32120 34810 31900 26580 17480 10500 6200 2470 1040 710
2012 4790 36630 41020 36640 31350 34840 31540 25680 16600 10030 5700 2280 930 640
2011 5370 38020 41420 35550 31840 34210 30900 24220 15400 9480 4860 2010 860 620
2010 4910 34660 37460 31490 29950 30130 27490 20460 12850 8290 3620 1650 700 530