Health Care & Life Sciences » Health System » Medicare | U.S. - Medicare outlays and forecast 2000-2028

U.S. Medicare outlays and forecast 2000-2028

Medicare outlays and forecast in the United States from 2000 to 2028 (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the medicare outlays in the U.S. from 2000 to 2017 with an additional forecast from 2018 to 2028. Medicare outlays amounted to 702 billion USD in 2017. The forecast predicts an increase in medicare outlays up to 1,521 billion USD in 2028.

'00 216
'01 237.9
'02 253.7
'03 274.2
'04 297
'05 332.6
'06 373.6
'07 436
'08 456
'09 499
'10 520.5
'11 559.6
'12 551.2
'13 585.3
'14 600
'15 634
'16 692
'17 702
'18 707
'19 776
'20 830
'21 893
'22 996
'23 1032
'24 1062
'25 1181
'26 1267
'27 1358
'28 1521