Health Care & Life Sciences » Health System » National Health Service (NHS) UK | NHS mental health core services rating England 2017

Overall rating of NHS mental health core services in England in 2017, by service

Rating of NHS mental health core services in England as of July 2017, by service

The data shows the overall rating of NHS mental health core services in England as of July 2017, by service. Of community mental health services for learning disabilities, 81% are rated 'good'.

Community MH for learning disabilities (48) 0 10 81 8
Community MH for older people (52) 0 15 75 10
Child and adolescent MH wards (59) 2 19 73 7
Long stay/rehabilitation wards for working age adults (134) 0 22 74 4
Forensic inpatient/secure wards (86) 1 21 76 2
Crisis services and health-based places of safety (56) 4 23 70 4
Wards for older people (70) 4 23 71 1
Community-based mental health services or adults o working age (68) 3 26 69 1
Wards or people with learning disabilities or autism (77) 0 30 60 10
Specialist community mental health services or children and young people (66) 2 29 61 9
Acute wards for working age adults, and psychiatric intensive care units (91) 1 33 62 4