Health Care & Life Sciences » Medical Technology » Digital health | Emergency department use of telemedicine US status 2016

Status of use of telemedicine in emergency departments in the United States 2016

Current status of deployment of telemedicine in U.S. emergency departments as of February 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1416163333111125258888Use already, fully deployedUse already, additionaldeployment plannedUse already, additional deployment plannedUsage planned within three yearsInvestigatingDo not plan to useDon't know05101520253035

The data displays the current status of the deployment and use of telemedicine in U.S. emergency departments, according to a survey conducted among hospital and health system representatives during February 2016. It was found that 33% of surveyed organizations already used telemedicine in their emergency department and had plans for additional deployment.

Use already, fully deployed 16
Use already, additional deployment planned 33
Usage planned within three years 11
Investigating 25
Do not plan to use 8
Don't know 8