Health Care & Life Sciences » Medical Technology » Digital health | E-health application categories used by U.S. adults 2017

Share of categories of mobile health apps used among U.S. consumers 2017

Percentage of mobile medical application categories used by U.S. adults at least once as of 2017

This survey illustrates categories of e-health, mobile medical applications used in the U.S. among adults at least once, as of March 2017. Almost half of all respondents stated that they used apps to monitor environmental conditions (e.g. weather/rain/pollen forecast) at least once.

Apps to monitor environmental conditions (e.g. weather/rain/pollen forecast) 49
Apps to track fitness (e.g. Runkeeper, Runtastic, fitbit) 44
Apps for diet and nutrition tracking (e.g. Lose it!, MyFitnessPal, Pact etc.) 42
Apps for self-diagnosis (e.g. Medscape, WebMD, iTriage Health) 35
Apps to measure other health metrics (e.g. pulse & blood pressure, body heat, blood glucose, etc.), for instance using the camera of your smartphone 26
Apps for sleep tracking (e.g. Sleep Cycle, SleepBot, Sleeptime) 25
Apps that give fitness instructions (e.g. Sworkit, Activex, Pear) 25
Apps to relieve stress/promote inner peace, for instance through meditation, light yoga exercises, or similar activities (e.g. smiling mind, Mindfulness, Breathe2Relax) 23
Apps to track illness and medication (e.g. headache diary, medication reminder, etc.) 21
Apps for emergencies (e.g. featuring first-aid instructions, 911 speed dial, etc.) 17
Apps to quit smoking (e.g. Butt Out, Kwit, Livestrong Myquit Coach) 7