Health Care & Life Sciences » Medical Technology » Medical Technology | Top medtech companies worldwide by revenue 2013-2015

Number of medtech companies worldwide 2013-2015, by revenue range

Number of top medtech companies worldwide from 2013 to 2015, by revenue size

The data displays the number of leading medtech companies that fell within different revenue ranges from 2013 to 2015. The companies were only from the U.S. and Europe. In 2014, there were two companies that generated revenue in excess of 10 billion USD.

0.5-1 billion US$ 14 15 17
1-2.5 billion US$ 27 26 27
2.5-5 billion US$ 9 9 6
5-10 billion US$ 5 5 5
More than 10 billion US$ 3 3 3