Health Care & Life Sciences » Pharmaceuticals » Pharmaceutical and medical device recalls | Pharmaceutical industry violations in the U.S. by violation type 1991-2015

Pharmaceutical industry violations in the United States 1991-2015, by violation type

Total number of pharmaceutical industry violations in the U.S. between 1991 and 2015, by type of violation
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14201201105105474725251616101010104444Overcharging government health programsUnlawful promotionKickbacksMonopoly practicesConcealing dataPoor manufacturing practices*Environmental violationsFinancial violationsIllegal distribution020406080100120140160180200220

The data describes the number of pharmaceutical industry violations in the United States from 1991 to 2015, by the type of violation. Over this time there were ten reported violations of poor manufacturing practices in which pharmaceutical companies sold drug products that failed to meet Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards and specifications.

Overcharging government health programs 201
Unlawful promotion 105
Kickbacks 47
Monopoly practices 25
Concealing data 16
Poor manufacturing practices 10
Environmental violations 10
Financial violations 4
Illegal distribution 4