Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Cosmetic surgery | Plastic surgeons and plastic procedures share by country 2016

Percentage of plastic surgeons and plastic procedures by country 2016

Selected countries' share of plastic surgeons and plastic procedures worldwide in 2016

The data displays the selected countries' share of plastic surgeons and plastic procedures worldwide in 2016. In that year, over 15% of all plastic surgeons worldwide lived in the U.S., while almost 18% of all plastic procedures worldwide were made in the U.S.

United States 15.3 17.9
Brazil 12.8 10.7
Japan 5.2 4.8
Russia 4.8 3.8
India 4.6 3.7
Italy 3.9 4.1
Mexico 3.8 3.9
Germany 2.7 3.1
Colombia 2.3 2.1
France 2.2 2.2