Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Cosmetic surgery | Breast augmentations among younger U.S. women by reason 2014

Distribution of breast augmentations among younger U.S. women by reason 2014

Distribution of breast augmentation procedures among U.S. women aged 17 years and younger in 2014, by reason

The data displays a distribution of breast augmentation procedures among US women aged 18 years and younger in 2014, by reason for surgery. In that year, around 38% of breast augmentation procedures were performed to change severe asymmetry.

Severe asymmetry 37.6
Purely cosmetic bilateral breast augmentation 30.6
Tubular breast deformity 12.6
Congenital micromastia (severe underdevelopment) 11
Poland’s syndrome (congenital absent breast) 7.7
Other 0.4