Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Hospitals | Number of hospitals by ownership type U.S. 2009-2016

Number of hospitals in the United States 2009-2016 by ownership

Number of hospitals in the United States from 2009 to 2016, by ownership type

The data illustrates the number of hospitals in the U.S. from 2009 to 2016, sorted by type of ownership. In 2009, there was a total of 5,008 community hospitals in the U.S., of which 998 were for-profit hospitals.

State/local government 1092 1068 1045 1037 1010 1003 983 956
Non-profit 2918 2904 2903 2894 2904 2870 2845 2849
For-profit 998 1013 1025 1068 1060 1053 1034 1035
Total 5008 4985 4973 4999 4974 4926 4862 4840