Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Hospitals | Federal and nonfederal hospital beds number U.S. 1975-2014

Number of beds in federal and nonfederal hospitals 1975-2014

Number of beds in federal and nonfederal hospitals in the U.S. from 1975 to 2014

The data displays the number of all beds in federal and nonfederal hospitals in the U.S. from 1975 to 2014. In 1975, there were 131,946 beds in federal hospitals and 1,333,882 beds in nonfederal hospitals.

2014 38893 863309
2013 38747 875766
2012 38557 882272
2011 38065 886268
2010 44940 897055
2009 44772 899505
2008 45992 905053
2007 45744 899455
2000 53067 930561
1995 77079 1003522
1990 98255 1115072
1980 117328 1247188
1975 131946 1333882