Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Hospitals | Hospital-related employment as share of total employment U.S. regions 2016

U.S. hospital supported employment as a percentage of total regional employment 2016

Hospital supported employment as a percentage of total employment in 2016, by U.S. region

The data illustrates the percentage of total employment supported by hospital employment in 2016, by U.S. region. In the Pacific region, hospital employees and employment supported by hospital employment made up some 7.6% of the total regional employment in 2014.

Pacific 7.6
Mountain 7.5
West North Central 10.4
West South Central 7.6
East North Central 10.4
East South Central 9.3
New England 10.6
Mid-Atlantic 9.5
South Antlantic 8.4