Inactive doctors of medicine in the United States 1975-2013

Inactive and not classified doctors of medicine in the U.S. from 1975 to 2013

The data displays the number of inactive doctors of medicine in the U.S. from 1975 to 2013. In 1975, there were 21,449 inactive doctors in the U.S. Two decades later, the number of inactive doctors stood at some 72 thousand.

2013 147676 43536
2012 142716 57649 422
2011 134168 60131 844
2010 125928 64153 432
2009 121704 57427 440
2008 119239 50347 439
2007 111551 52740 459
2006 108344 46252 472
2005 99823 39304 488
2000 75168 45136 1098
1995 72326 20579 1977
1985 38646 13950 2980
1975 21449 26145 5868