Health Care & Life Sciences » Physicians, Hospitals & Pharmacies » Physicians | Physicians feeling burned out by specialty U.S. 2017

Percentage of U.S. physicians feeling burned out by specialty 2017

Percentage of physicians feeling burned out in the U.S. as of 2017, by specialty

The data displays the percentage of physicians feeling burned out in the U.S., as of 2017, by specialty. According to the survey, the highest share of physicians feeling burned out was in critical care

Critical care 48
Neurology 48
Family medicine 47
Obstetricians/gynecologists 46
Internal medicine 46
Emergency medicine 45
Radiology 45
Physical medicine/rehabilitation 44
Urology 44
Allergy/immunology 44
Surgery, general 43
Cardiology 43
Otalaryngology 42
Pulmonology 41
Pediatrics 41
Infectious disease 40
Nephrology 40
Oncology 39
Gastroenterology 38
Anesthesiology 38
Rheumatology 38
Psychiatry/mental health 36
Public health/preventive medicine 36
Diabetes/endocrinology 35
Orthopedics 34
Ophthalmology 33
Pathology 32
Dermatology 32
Plastic surgery 23