Number of legal abortions in the United States 1973-2014

Number of legal abortions reported in the U.S. from 1973 to 2014 (in thousand)

The data displays the number of legal abortions reported in the U.S. from 1973 to 2014. In 2000, there were approx. 857,000 legal abortions in the U.S. In 2014, this figure decreased to some 653,000.

2014 653
2013 664
2012 699
2011 730
2010 766
2009 789
2008 826
2007 828
2006 852
2005 820
2004 839
2003 848
2002 854
2001 853
2000 857
1999 862
1998 884
1997 1186
1996 1226
1995 1211
1994 1267
1993 1330
1992 1359
1991 1389
1990 1429
1989 1397
1988 1371
1987 1354
1986 1328
1985 1329
1984 1334
1983 1269
1982 1304
1981 1301
1980 1298
1975 855
1973 616