Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Births in the U.S. | Cost of routine vaginal delivery in populous U.S. cities 2016

Average cost of vaginal delivery in populous U.S. cities as of 2016

Average cost of a routine vaginal birth in the 30 most populous U.S. cities as of 2016 (in USD)

The data illustrates the average cost, including minimum and maximum costs, of a routine vaginal delivery in the 30 most populous cities in the U.S. as of 2016. According to the statistic, in Sacramento a routine vaginal delivery cost, on average, 15,420 USD. This was the highest average cost among all large U.S. cities.

Sacramento , CA 15420 4560 24549
San Francisco , CA 15204 7728 28541
Minneapolis , MN 11527 6111 16446
Philadelphia , PA 11340 5764 24534
Portland , OR 11043 7762 14190
Indianapolis , IN 10811 5922 14216
Miami , FL 10775 8867 12980
New York , NY 10532 4022 17646
Seattle , WA 10468 4873 13735
Boston , MA 10380 6660 20516
Los Angeles , CA 10285 4223 27326
Dallas , TX 9861 5777 12163
San Diego, CA 9709 3243 13779
Washington , DC 9368 5831 13562
Orlando , FL 9238 4945 12641
Charlotte , NC 8857 3932 12843
Chicago , IL 8838 4479 13502
Atlanta , GA 8497 5831 10700
Cincinnati , OH 8484 4743 15015
Houston , TX 8465 4600 11819
Detroit , MI 8463 3601 12966
Denver , CO 8338 5073 12413
Tampa , FL 8190 5791 12938
Las Vegas , NV 7985 5988 9740
Cleveland , OH 7541 4902 12530
San Antonio , TX 7469 6535 11706
Phoenix , AZ 7094 5403 11492
St. Louis , MO 6716 4668 11695
Pittsburgh , PA 6245 4603 9077
Kansas City , MO 6075 3383 11448