Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Breast cancer in the U.S. | Invasive breast cancer: 10-year probability in females U.S. 2017

10-year probability of developing invasive breast cancer in females U.S. 2017, by age

Age-specific 10-year probability of developing invasive breast cancer for women in the U.S. as of 2017

The data displays the age-specific 10-year probability of developing invasive breast cancer for women in the United States as of 2017. As of that time, women aged 30 years had a 0.5% probability of developing invasive cancer.

20 years 0.1
30 years 0.5
40 years 1.5
50 years 2.3
60 years 3.4
70 years 3.9
Lifetime risk 12.4