Number of breast cancer deaths in U.S. 1999-2014, by gender

Number of breast cancer deaths in the United States from 1999 to 2014, by gender

The data displays the number of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. from 1999 to 2014, by gender. The highest number of breast cancer deaths in the given period was 42,300, reported in 2000. The lowest number was reported in 2007, with 40,969 deaths.

1999 41144 384
2000 41872 428
2001 41394 415
2002 41514 369
2003 41619 379
2004 40954 362
2005 41116 375
2006 40820 389
2007 40598 371
2008 40589 437
2009 40676 400
2010 40996 439
2011 40931 443
2012 41150 405
2013 40860 464
2014 41211 465