Percentage of US women who have received a mammogram by ethnicity 2015

Percentage of U.S. women aged 50-74 years who received a mammogram as of 2015, by ethnicity

The data shows the percentage of U.S. women aged 50 to 74 that have received a breast cancer screening or mammography within the last two years, by ethnicity. About 71.8% of White respondents reported that they had received a breast cancer screening within the past two years, while 66.1 Asian respondents reported that they had received a mammogram within the past two years. According to the survey, women who were uninsured, or those without a stable source for health care, had the lowest usage of mammography and breast cancer screening.

White 71.8
Black 74.3
American Indan/Alaskan Native 56.7
Asian 66.1
Chinese 72.3
Filipino 81.5
Other Asian 57.4