Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Cardiovascular disease in the U.S. | Cardiovascular disease prevalence U.S. by ethnicity and gender 2011-2014

Prevalence of cardiovascular disease in U.S. adults 2011-2014 ethnicity and gender

Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among U.S. adults in 2011-2014, by ethnicity and gender

The data displays the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases among U.S. adults aged 20 years and older in the period from 2011 to 2014, by ethnicity and gender. Over the given period it was estimated that 31.3% of Hispanic males and 33.3% of Hispanic females of that age had some cardiovascular disease.

Non-Hispanic White 37.7 35.1
Non-Hispanic Black 46 47.7
Hispanic 31.3 33.3
Non-Hispanic Asian 31 27