Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Cardiovascular disease in the U.S. | Coronary heart disease prevalence U.S. by age and gender 2014

Coronary heart disease prevalence in US adults 2011-2014 by age and gender

Percentage of adults in the U.S. who had coronary heart disease in 2011-2014, by age and gender

The data displays the percentage of adults in the United States who had coronary heart disease in the period from 2011 to 2014, by age and gender. During this time, 6.1% of males and 5.4% of females aged 40 to 59 years had coronary heart disease.

20 to 39 years 0.6 0.7
40 to 59 years 6.1 5.4
60 to 79 years 19.7 11
80 years and older 30.6 21.7