Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Cardiovascular disease in the U.S. | Top counties heart disease death rate US 35+ population 2013-2015

Top US counties by heart disease death rate in 35+ population 2013-2015

Top 20 counties in the United States based on heart disease death rate among the 35+ population in the period 2013-2015 (per 100,000)

The data displays the top 20 counties in the U.S. based on heart disease death rate among the 35+ population in the period 2013-2015. The heart disease death rate of the 35+ population in Franklin county in the state of Louisiana was the highest, with 1,096.5 deaths from heart disease per every 100,000 of that age group.

Franklin, Louisiana 1096.5
Caldwell, Louisiana 853.91
Sioux , North Dakota 762.66
Wilcox , Alabama 758.02
Washington , Missouri 744.85
Marlboro , South Carolina 738.92
Greensville , Virginia 735.86
Webster , Mississippi 703.23
Desha, Arkansas 698.2
Neshoba , Mississippi 695.96
Jeff Davis , Georgia 682.96
Hardin , Tennessee 679.2
Breathitt , Kentucky 673.53
Panola , Mississippi 671.77
Pemiscot , Missouri 669.41
Tunica , Mississippi 668.4
Walker , Alabama 668.19
Wolfe , Kentucky 660.89
Choctaw , Oklahoma 659.74
Catahoula, Louisiana 659.19