Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Cardiovascular disease in the U.S. | Hospitalization rate for adults diagnosed with diabetes by cause U.S. 2014

Hospitalization rate among adults with diabetes U.S. 2014, by cause

Rate of hospitalizations among adults diagnosed with diabetes in the U.S. in 2014, by cause (per 1,000 persons with diabetes)

The data displays the rate of hospitalizations among adults with diagnosed diabetes in the United States as of 2014, by cause. In that year, the crude rate of diabetic adult hospitalizations due to stroke was 11.5 per 1,000 persons.

Diabetes as any listed diagnosis 327.2
Major cardiovascular disease 70.4
Ischemic heart disease 18.3
Stroke 11.5
Lower-extremity amputation 5
Diabetic ketoacidosis 7.7