Survey on concussions suffered in sports and long term brain damage / effects 2014

Do you agree with the following statements in regards to concussions suffered in sports and their potential for long term brain damage?

The data displays the opinions of poll participants in regards to the discussion that repeated concussions suffered in sports can potentially lead to long term brain damage and disability later in life. 61% of the survey participants strongly agreed with the statement that 'Helmets should be changed to better protect against concussions.'

Players who suffer a head injury should be required to take a minimum set amount of time off from playing to recover. 60 23 4 3 10
Helmets should be changed to better protect against concussions. 61 21 3 3 11
The risks of playing football are widely known and players participate at their own risk. 49 34 6 3 8
There should be a standardized test used to determine if and when injured players at all levels may return to the field. 57 25 4 3 11
Aggressive tackles which are more prone to leading to head injuries should be restricted in youth football. 54 22 8 6 10
The rules instituted in 2010 to limit head injuries have been effective. 9 36 16 6 33